Diversity Resources
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
In addition to the School of Arts and Humanities one-sheet of campus-based resources (PDF) that includes core policies and principles, and whistleblower procedures, below is an expanded list of material and links for support.
Equity Advisors
For Faculty: Jessica Graham
Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (858) 534-6270 | jlgraham@ucsd.edu
For Staff: Anthony King
Assistant Dean, Strategic Engagement (858) 822-7824 | apk006@ucsd.edu
Anti-Racism Resources (from the office of EDI)
The Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion supports our campus community through a number of initiatives, programs and workshops, and are available to engage with you and your team in a variety discussion formats on anti-racism.
Their website is updated regularly with resources to support your personal edification and discussions with students, colleagues and teams regarding racism, including:
Their website is updated regularly with resources to support your personal edification and discussions with students, colleagues and teams regarding racism, including:
- Key Terminology and Concepts
- News and Expert Opinions
- Podcasts
- Research, Reports and Actionable Resources
- Videos, Webinars and Virtual Panels
- Resources directly for the UC San Diego Community
- An EDI Engagement and Resources Request Portal
Anti-Racism Resources from the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion >>
Anti-Racism Guide: Resources for Education and Action (from the UC San Diego Library)
This Libguide, organized in consultation with the UC San Diego Library Diversity and Inclusion Committee with contributions from other units across the library, is by no means a definitive guide. The guide will evolve over time and The Library welcomes thoughts, suggestions and corrections.
The guide is compiled to flow from educating users to the topics of racism and anti-racism, taking a deeper dive into details and exploration of the scholarship, delivering educational resources to use in the classroom or for self-education, and then to build sustained and actionable practices for individuals and institutions.
- Getting Started: Educate Yourself
- Doing the Work: How to Be an Ally
- Systemic Racism: Digging Deeper
- Antiracism Curriculia, Syllabi, Courses and Pedagogy: Teach
- Antiracism Efforts: Get Involved
Access the complete Anti-Racism Guide: Resources for Education and Action >>
Anti-Racism 21-Day Challenge Material (from Diversity scholar Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr.)
The UC San Diego Chancellor's 21-Day Challenge took place Friday, Aug. 7, 2020 through Friday, Sept. 4, 2020, with material and resources available for continued education.
Diversity scholar Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. created the 21-Day Challenge concept to promote deeper understandings of race, power, privilege, supremacy and oppression.
We recognize the 21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge is the beginning, not the end, of anti-racism work.
- Section 1: How We Got Here
- Section 2: Intersections of Power, Language and Visibility
- Section 3: Black Joy as a Form of Resistance
- Section 4: Allying, Action and Accountability
Candidate Outreach Guidance for Indigenous Studies Job Searches
Indigenous research methodologies do not cleanly map onto conventional disciplinary methodologies and areas of study. Indigenous intellectual traditions and research practices can lead to creative and important innovations across departments and in classrooms. When preparing and executing search plans, it’s important to be aware of some of these distinctions. Thus, we suggest that departments and search committees engage in sustained conversation with Indigenous faculty and experts in Indigenous Studies throughout the entire search process, giving them ample time to participate in all deliberations, and taking their recommendations seriously.
Scholars working in Indigenous studies may use terminology and methods that differ from those that are most common in a given field. Language in a job advertisement, even the most well-intended, may reproduce hurtful or biased terminology or methods that may be off-putting to candidates. Periodization can also be limiting, as many Indigenous intellectual traditions do not separate past-present-future, as is more common in Western academic traditions. Instead, Indigenous intellectualism is often place-based. Consult with Indigenous faculty, Indigenous studies scholars, and faculty in related fields, to ensure the language of job ads target the kinds of applicants the department wants to recruit.
It is crucial to reach out to Indigenous Studies experts and share the job advertisement with them, and post the job advertisement on Indigenous scholarly listservs, websites, etc. The Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) has space on the organization’s website for job advertisements: https://naisa.org/postings/job-postings/. Reach out to Indigenous faculty and experts in the fields for suggestions on where to post job advertisements and inquire if they can suggest the names of other Indigenous studies scholars to whom you might directly send the advertisement. Effective recruitment also means targeted hires, including targeted opportunities of excellence hires (TOEs) when appropriate.
Some of the “top tier” schools for Indigenous studies are not Ivy League institutions or prestigious R1 universities. In many fields, the best place to get an education in Indigenous history, literature, philosophy, etc. is at a place with a thriving and supportive collective of Indigenous faculty and field experts, and, ideally, a vibrant relationship with local tribal communities. For example, some of the schools with the strongest programs have historically been UCLA, UC Davis, the University of Washington, the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Minnesota.
It is critical to have Indigenous studies candidates meet with Indigenous campus community members and to invite Indigenous faculty, staff, and students to campus visit events, including meals, talks, or coffees, depending on the preferences and time constraints of the department. While these events do further overburden Indigenous campus community members, it is better to invite people than to exclude them; give Indigenous community members the opportunity to decide whether or not they have the capacity to participate. Efforts to connect candidates with the Indigenous campus community are an important strategy for recruitment and retention. We also suggest asking candidates if they would like to visit the Intertribal Resource Center or meet with the American Indian Faculty and Staff Association (AIFSA) or Indigenous Futures Institute (IFI) affiliates. Actively including these campus community spaces gives candidates a sense of what is available at UC San Diego and it demonstrates that your department is aware that these resources and connections might be important to them if they were to accept an offer.
All programs and initiatives coordinated by the School of Arts and Humanities and its units are designed and implemented in full compliance with Proposition 209 and the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy. More information about Proposition 209 can be found here. More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Strategic Planning Toolkit
In the Strategic Planning Toolkit (PDF), you will find a proposed outline to guide the school, department and unit planning process.
This outline has been developed through extensive research of strategic planning processes nationwide — both academic and otherwise — and maps directly back to the intended outcomes of the UC San Diego Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence.
Strategic Planning Blueprint
This outline has been developed through extensive research of strategic planning processes nationwide — both academic and otherwise — and maps directly back to the intended outcomes of the UC San Diego Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence.
Strategic Planning Blueprint
- Pre-Planning
- Identify your planning leads and team members, establish a timeframe and conduct a kickoff meeting
- Data Analysis and Goal Setting
- Gather and review data to identify strengths and opportunities that will inform your plan's vision and accountability metrics
- Creation and Development
- Draft strategic plan, review with the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and revise and finalize
- Implementation
- Broadcast your plan to your wider unit or school, advise leadership on strategy and expectation, and monitor your progress
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.